DzM-Card is a generic term for devices that can be used to identify skydivers. A DzM-Card can be:
  • a RFID-Tag with some info written to it by DZ-Manager - DzMr-Card
  • a ChipCard with some info written to it by DZ-Manager - DzMc-Card
  • any combination of the listed possibilities above

DZmCard_Mini_02 blank DZmCard_Mini_03 blank DZmCard_Mini_04

Advantages of DzM-Cards:
  • skydivers can manifest themselves by just sliding their DzM-Card through a reader
  • an instructor can read a student's DzM-Card and gets the whole logbook of the student in an instance
  • a DzM-Card saves the manifester / checker from typing names and prevents misspelling
  • DZ-Manger supports templates to print cool pictures on your DzM-Cards. It works the same way as with templates for manifests and logbooks: you provide a HTML-template with your own design and DZ-Manager prints it onto any card you wish
  • a DzM-Card is not drop zone affiliated. Skydivers can use their DzM-Card on any drop zone using DZ-Manager world wide

Producing DzM-Cards is cheap:
  • program your own DzMr-Cards with a RFID-Reader
    cost: 2,- € per card
  • program your own DzMc/m-Cards with a Card-Reader
    cost: 2,- € per card

Reading DzM-Cards is cheap too:
  • read DzMr-Cards with a RFID-Reader
    cost: 90,- € for a reader
  • read DzMc/m-Cards with a Card-Reader
    cost: 40,- € for a reader